Friday, March 22, 2013

Students Speak with Others in Chicago

 Using google hangout 3classrooms joined together to share their learning. What amazing time we live in. 2 ipads and 2 laptops where connected to the conversation.
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Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Math Lesson

SE3 Student engagement high cognitive demand. Students could choose the tools and strategy they wanted to solve this problem.
SE5 Engagement strategies Expectations, support and opportunity for participation and meaning making

Student led conference Prep continues

Today students shared their conference notes with each other. Students showed great skill not only sharing but asking questions and demonstrating strong listening skills. This activity is very beneficial as it helps students to continue to reflect on their progress. They all are very excited about sharing with their parents.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Monday, March 4, 2013

Student conference planning

Assessment Students are able to assess their own learning in relation to standards. C6 A1 Assessment self assessment of learning connected to the success criteria

Student Planning Week

 Cell 3 Student Engagement Intellectual Work demonstrates student ownership of their learning. Students do this planning at the start of each week to refocus their attention on what is truly important. This helps each student become self aware of what they need to accomplish as an individual.